Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Day the Music Died by Ed Gorman

“The Day the Music Died”, a novel by Ed Gorman, is about a young lawyer/private investigator named Sam McCain who lives in Black River Falls. It is a fiction book that takes place in the Fifties. McCain is a big Buddy Holly fan and he attends his last concert before the tragic plane crash that took Holly's life. The day after the incident a man, Kenny, committed suicide in Black River Falls and was accused of killing his wife, Susan. McCain works for a wealthy judge whose nephew happened to be that man. The judge's reputation was already on the line and with a nephew who is a murderer, he thought the family name would be completely put to shame. Everyone thought Kenny killed his wife but McCain had his doubts. He set out to find the real killer but this would not be an easy task. It is a great book for anyone interested in mysteries, scandals, the Fifties and Buddy Holly.

Eileen D.

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