When are the LRC hours?
The library is usually open from 7 a.m. until 4 p.m. when school is in session. In recent years, we have also had staff tutors after school. When tutors are here, we are open until 4:30 p.m.
Before or after school, with a class , during lunch or with study period group, you don't need for a pass. Otherwise, get a pass from a teacher.
How do I check out a book? What if I return it late?
Your school ID is your library card. Books and audiobooks for 2 weeks at a time. Reference materials or materials currently used by a class may be borrowed overnight. If the book is returned after the due date, fines are 20¢ per day for 2 week checkouts and $1.00 per day for reference and overnight materials.
What are the LRC rules?
- Please leave food and drink in your locker or backpack. If you forget, you can finish it in the hallway or leave it at the front counter.
- Be productive the whole period.
- Done with your homework? Read a book, newspaper, or magazine.
- Computer work and printing should be related to your schoolwork.
- Games, personal e-mail, and other things mentioned in the Internet Use Agreement you signed are not allowed.
- Have your school ID on you at all times (You need it to check out a book, borrow supplies or to get a pass).
Mr. Bodwell – Library Director
Mrs. Leahy - Librarian
Ms. Barry - Clerk
Mrs. Callahan - Clerk
Mrs.Cosgrove - Clerk
Ms. Siegfried - Audio Visual Clerk