Friday, August 16, 2013

Delirium by Lauren Oliver

Delirium by Lauren Oliver is a science-fiction romance novel. This novel can be enjoyed by both girls and guys but I think it appeals more to girls, especially those who have been hurt by love. That is because Delirium is about a seventeen year old girl, Lena Haloway, who cannot wait to be cured of the disease, amour deliria nervosa, also known as love. 

The futuristic world in which Lena has perfected a cure takes away the ability to love and all that disease brings. The cure cannot be given though until the person is eighteen, leaving Lena to wait a horrible summer until she can get it. You see Lena change as a person as her final summer with the disease goes on. She goes from her normal goody two shoes personality to one of defiance and lies. This novel takes you through Lena and her friend Hana’s adventures of defying their government and falling in love with life and people. The government will not allow the disease to grow though, leaving Lena with very little choice of what to do. 

For those who ever wished love didn't exist, this book is for you. Delirium truly gives meaning to the phrase “you dont know what you have until its gone.”
Quinn E.

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