Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Tech Tuesday: Google Sites

Today's Tech Tuesday brings to you valuable information on setting up a Google Site for your classroom or project. The video below will show you how to find Google Sites and how to create your own website using Google Sites. Students and staff at CHS have been set up with a Google Account. Your account can be accessed from the school's Home Page under Staff or Student tabs. You will need to sign in using your school login and password + 94. Once you have access to your Google Account you can follow this short (4 min.) video and create your own website for your class or project.

Building a Google Site (web page) for student projects can be an innovative and creative format for presenting research projects.  Visit the project on Henry Wadworth Longfellow a website designed for a Sophomore Research Project on poets using Google sites to present information. Students use this digital portfolio to include their research, writing process, works cited and audio visual gallery created by Jeff Pisauro.
Please visit the LRC if you would like individual help setting up your Google Site.

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