Thursday, March 19, 2009

Gathering Blue by Lois Lowry

This was a very interesting book. It talks about how Kira (main character) went through a difficult situation in her life. In some parts of the story it was very intense. You just had to keep reading to find out what was going to happen next. The book explains how Kira kept on going even thought she had a crippled leg. Gathering Blue is a very good story everybody should get a chance to read and enjoy. Kira goes through difficult situations in her life but she learns from her mistakes and she tries to fix them, alone or with her friend, Matt, and his dog Branchie. Kira's goal was to make the dye blue for her robe. Because Matt saw her work really hard to get blue dye, Matt gave her two big surprises! But it is up to you to find out what Matt accomplishes to make Kira happy. This is a good book I know you will enjoy. It teaches you how to be successful even if you don't have a family and that all that matters is having people there you trust and who are there for you.

Miriam F.

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